We got hamsters for our two older boys about a year ago. They named them JoJo Nacho and Miranda. A couple of months after that we got one for our youngest son because he wanted one too. He named his Snowball Snowy Snow Snow. One day last week as a special request from our boys we picked up a "birthday" cake for the nasty little rodents so they could have a party for them.
I really hate those things. They stink, their food stinks and they make the house stink. I have wanted to get rid of them SO MANY times, but my husband keeps telling me that their life expectancy is not very long, that it's something the boys have bonded over and blah, blah, blah. They can't have normal animals cause my husband is allergic to everything.
So last night I'm woken up by a light from our bedroom closet. I look at the clock and it's around 4:30am. I ask my husband what was going on and he said he thinks a hamster is on the loose and in our room somewhere. So I get up and start looking and see it run under our bed. It's Snowball, the anti-social hamster. It took us about 2o minutes of running around our room trying to get it out into the open to catch it. It came over to me quite a few times, but I can't touch those things, they're so nasty! We brought it's cage into our room and we finally got it to go back in without having to touch it.
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