My parents had a Labor Day BBQ the Monday before school started on the 8th so I decided to bring cake and ice cream over to celebrate Ashton's birthday. He turned 8 years old on the 10th!Ashton loves playing video games, shooting BB guns, basketball, and playing with Lucy.
This year we have 1 boy in elementary school, 1 in middle school and 1 in high school. Ashton is in 3rd grade and 2 days after school started he turned 8 and brought cupcakes and juice to share with his class.Ammon is in 6th grade.
Anson Jr is in 9th grade and started seminary this year too. Luckily for him it's at his school and starts at 7:30AM. His school doesn't start until 9:35AM.
Saturday the kids were going NUTS and driving us NUTS so we took them bowling. Anson Jr. told Ashton if he beat him then he could have his phone. The 1st game they tied and the 2nd game Anson won by 9. Ashton was a little disappointed.
18 hours ago
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