I've been having back problems and they all started when I was chasing my puppy Lucy around the house wearing socks on wood floors. Normally I take them off, but for some reason I didn't this time...and it cost me big time. I slipped and went down hard! My back has NEVER hurt so bad! I even had to spend two days in bed just lying down. I even went somewhere with Anson and decided to stay in the car because he wasn't supposed to take very long. Right. He took awhile and I really needed to use the bathroom, so I decided to get out of the car. That was a HUGE mistake! It was SO PAINFUL and I couldn't stand straight up and walk at all so I got back in the car. Anson came out probably 10-15 minutes later and I told him what happened. He actually had to help me up and walk me to the bathroom. I felt like an OLD LADY!
Wednesday was my birthday and Anson had scheduled a massage for that morning. It was a GREAT massage! One of the best! I spent the day thrift store shopping and found a couple of good finds. I also decided to pick up pizza for lunch and brought home enough for dinner as well. Later that night I took the kids to get an ice cream cone. It was a pretty uneventful birthday which they all have been most of my life. I got a lot of birthday wishes from friends and family on facebook and Ammon and Ashton made me cards.
He was in Seattle at school which I can understand. I never said a word about it when he got home yesterday afternoon. He only found out when his brother Rob called to wish me a Happy Birthday! All he said was, "I'm sorry I missed your birthday". Um, I forgave the fact that he forgot, but now that he knows he forgot what is he going to do with that information? Apparently NOTHING! That's what makes me mad. He didn't say let's go get dinner, let's go see a movie, let's pick up a cake and ice cream, or let's celebrate....NOTHING. What is wrong with him... Now I'm just hurt. Oh, he finally said "Happy Birthday" to me today. Gee, thanks. Last year for his birthday I organized a dinner at a restaurant and surprised him with his family and my family all waiting there. He's like "What do you want? It's not like I have a whole bunch a money to spend on you." It doesn't take money to make me feel special. Now he sees that I'm mad and wants me to tell him why I'm mad. I can't though 'cause I'm not talking to him!!! He really doesn't get it!
I just had to vent. I'm done.
19 hours ago
Craig forgot a Holiday once. He will never do it again. He had to make up for it with a day at the spa which was very expensive. So never again. Sorry your back hurt.
I have learned to tell him (not hint) that my birthday or mother's day, even Christmas is coming. I ask what he is thinking about doing for me (trying to get a commitment). Then I give suggestions. Sometimes that works, at least I have a better chance of being remembered. After 40 years we seem to have an agreement that he will do what he feels comfortable with and I will accept it more or less.
My birthday is Friday and I'm not expecting anything great from Keith either. Sad huh?
This is actually April. I'm sure you figured that out though :)
I am so sorry. guys just do not think the way we girls do at ALL. My friend says guy vision is black and white and we see in color, guys have tunnel vision have peripheral vision--so true.
I want to let you know that I have a BIG give-a-way starting on Sunday and it will be really fun. I am calling it SPREADING THE LOVE--cuz I love my FOLLOWERS. There are lots of gifts, from really cool vendors. Each week there will be SEVERAL winners--that is right it will be going on all month long. So you can come back each week and leave me a comment, to put your name in.
You don't have to have a blog--you can e-mail me to enter your name.
Followers get their name in once and if you have my button on your side bar your name will go in 5 more times.
If you can double check your READER to see if you are getting my posts I would really appreciate it--for some reason Google has picked on me since the start of my blog and I always end up having them not post every few weeks.
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