The boys were on Spring Break all week and Anson and I had to catch up on some screen printing. He decided to take Wed., Thurs., and Friday off from school so that we could do something with the boys. They had been cooped up in the house all week. I felt bad, but we had to get work done. We tried to get everything shipped off on Wednesday, but didn't quite make it. On Thursday, Anson got the RV ready and packed while I finished the rest of the work.
We finally headed out of town around 1pm. We decided to bring Lucy and she just HATES car rides. She was stressed out the entire 2 hours! I felt bad. I don't think we'll be bringing her with us next time.
One of my favorite things to do on our way somewhere is to take pictures from my window. These are some pics from our way out of town.

It's a great way to spend the time. It makes it go by so fast. Here's another one I shot from my window as we passed the beach. It was such a beautiful day when we arrived....little did we know what weather was to come.
These are pictures from the deck from the lodge at the Thousand Trails campground.
The first thing the kids do when we arrive is to go swimming. I didn't feel like swimming, so I walked Lucy around and read a book back at the RV. When the kids came back from swimming, Ashton had a wound that looked like it could use a stitch or two. Anson Jr, had thrown a snorkel at him and cut his lip open. We found some butterfly bandages in our first aid kit and that seemed to have closed the wound. Our other option was to drive 30 minutes to Lincoln City where there was a hospital to see if he needed stitches or not.
The next day the kids went swimming again and had the pool all to themselves....again.
They left the pool to do an Easter egg hunt that Thousand Trails put together for the kids. It was only Ashton and a little girl in their age group so there wasn't much competition.
Ashton found the golden egg which was the prize egg and he won the big Easter basket full of goodies. He also won a plastic rabbit full of jelly beans but gave it to the little girl. He's such a good boy. We suggested it of course and he could have thrown a fit, but he was happy to do it.
Dang girl you even take good pictures from the car. Sounds like a really fun time. I am almost convinced that we should get a mobile home.
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