Tagged...six random things about me
*Post the rules on your blog
*Write six random things about yourself
1. I LOVE cars! I have a "Hot Wheels" collection of over 100+ cars still in the package. I started collecting them years ago, but have lost interest as time, hobbies and other responsibilities came up. I still go to the toy isle and look through all the cars and if I see one that I really want then I'll get it, but it doesn't happen very often. I will own a real PACER someday.
2. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, which is weird because I'm a vegetarian and when you think about Thanksgiving, you think turkey and food. For me, it's about family getting together, the bonding, the whole atmosphere of the day and the beautiful autumn season!
3. We lived on 20 acres, 13 miles from town on the side of a mountain with the most gorgeous view of Oregon and Washington. With that we lived rather primitive at first. While I was 8 months pregnant, we had a well drilled, but to save money we dug an 18 inch deep ditch, 35 feet long and layed the pipe ourselves. I pitched right in with the digging. Then 2 weeks later I locked myself out of the house and tried to kick the door in. That night my water broke.
4. One of my FAVORITE shows to watch is Ghosthunters! Ammon likes to watch it with me too.
5. People assume since I'm a vegetarian that I'm an animal lover. This is not the case. I hate animals. When I lived in the mountains near Goldendale, we had some pesky grey diggers that would get into our garbage. They're like squirrels on crack and steriods! Over time they gnawed their way through the floor to get into our house. While Anson was at work I would take out our 22 gauge rifle and shoot those things every time I saw one. Let's just say that my aim was "dead" on.
6. I had my last two kids 7lbs. 13 oz. and 9lbs 12oz. without drugs! NO epidural, no local anesthetic...nothing. And you know what? I felt GREAT afterwards compared to having an epidural the first time. You should all try it!
19 hours ago
aYou crack me up! The sight of you with a rifle is a scary thought and as far as the drug thing goes, forget it they can hook me up as soon as I walk in the room. Great Tag!
How cool that you live on 20 acres and have a gorgeous view! What the perfect setting for a family of boys! My boys would love that space to run around and be boys! And I totally know what you mean about constant wrestling. It is amazing how quickly even our almost 2 year old figures out the game. So fun to see pictures of you and your family! I have wondered about how you are and have thought about you especially this last year because I was called to work in the YW and haven't been in there since we were in YW. It has brought back lots of good memories! Our leaders sure were busy!
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