My back was feeling good.....until yesterday at church. Those benches in sacrament meeting killed it! I couldn't stand the twisting and turning trying to get in a comfortable position so my back wouldn't hurt--but ended up leaving in the middle of the meeting and stood in the foyer. It was feeling a little better by the next class, so I decided to go. I sat down on the metal chair, bent to put my purse down and felt a sharp pain. It hurt so bad, I ended up leaving that class and stood in the hall. It continued to hurt and standing became painful so I got in my car and drove home. I did some stretches the chiropractor recommended and that didn't help, so I laid in bed until I had to go back and pick up the kids. The rest of Sunday I spent in bed. I felt so bad because Anson had to pick up my slack.
I painfully tossed and turned all night. Not only was my back killing me but I had a migraine that wouldn't quit. Anson, my sweet, sweet Anson got the kids off to school this morning for me. I stayed in bed a little while, then showered, dressed and got ready. It's the weirdest thing. You can actually see that my body is twisted. I called the chiropractor as soon as they opened and got in 45 minutes later. He popped a few things but couldn't straighten me out. What the heck did I pay for anyway??? LAME! I'm worse off now than when I had to first see him 3 weeks ago! He wants me to go back tomorrow, but I also called my family physician and made an appointment for tomorrow as well. I may need an x-ray or there may be a bigger problem than what my chiropractor can fix. I really hope that's not the case though. At the very least I'm hoping to get my insurance to cover my chiropractic visits. I'm paying out of pocket and it's getting expensive!!!
I hope to walk out of the office looking like this tomorrow!
19 hours ago
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