My sweet baby, Ashton, was due on August 31st, 2002. I went into early labor and had to check into the hospital where they gave me drugs to stop the contractions. A couple of months later, at what I thought would be my last Dr's appointment, my Dr. told me that she was going on a vacation for a week and that I would most likely have the baby while she was gone. It turns out that I didn't. My Dr. called me up after her vacation and scheduled me to be induced. So,finally on September 10th (10 days OVERDUE!) I went into the hospital to have a baby. It turns out that I was 8 centimeters dilated. Ashton was 9 lbs. 12 oz. He was a MOOSE! :)
He is such a sweet boy. He still likes to snuggle and some mornings when he wakes up before me, he comes into my room, gives me a kiss on my cheek and leaves. He still likes hugs and at times he is the first to say, "I love you".
Yesterday was Ashton's birthday, but things were so busy that we didn't get a chance to go to Chuck E. Cheese's. We will have to go sometime next week. I did make him a hideous looking cake that probably gave him nightmares. Ammon and Ashton LOVE Star Wars, so I made a Chewbacca cake. It's ridiculous I know, but Ashton loved it.

Happy Birthday my sweet boy! We love you and are so glad you completed our family!
In other news....Last night Anson Jr. had a combined YM/YW activity. Families were invited to have a spaghetti and meatball dinner and play games with their youth.
I happened to be wearing my, "Kiss Me, I'm a Vegetarian" t-shirt
and some guy asked, "Really, is that true"? I said ya and then he asked if I was a member. I got a little defensive. I thought he was just being ignorant and one of those people who was judging me and then would tell me, "God says in the scriptures that animals are for meat." Blah, blah, blah. I've heard it a million times before. My husband thought he asked if I was a member because there aren't a lot of vegetarian mormons and he has never seen me before so he didn't know if I was a member or not. It turns out that this guy is a nurse at a Seventh Day Adventist hospital and Seventh Day Adventist's are vegetarians. I'm just so used to defending this part of me. I have been a vegetarian for 17 years and have no desire to eat animals ever again. (just in case you're wondering)
I happened to be wearing my, "Kiss Me, I'm a Vegetarian" t-shirt
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