3 years ago this month, I went and had eye laser surgery.
It was a very quick procedure, but for me, very painful. They used some sort of device to keep my eyelids from closing, so that they can perform the surgery. They told me to keep my eyes
relaxed and gave me a stuffed animal to squeeze if I needed to. They do your right eye first and then your left and I'll tell you why.
Your left eye is bigger than your right. The thing they used to keep my eyes from closing HURT SO bad when they put it on my left eye. I of course started freaking out. They told me to squeeze the animal. Yeah, that didn't help. It hurt the entire time it was on. The pain I felt that night doesn't compare to anything I have felt before...EVER. Not even childbirth. I had 3 babies, two of them without drugs and one of them being a whoppin' 9 lbs. 12 oz. If I had to choose between eye surgery and childbirth, I choose childbirth!
The white parts of my eyes bruised, turning red and yellow. I was creepy looking!
As they were doing the procedure my husband and kids were there looking through the observation glass and said that they saw my eyeball smoking from the laser. EW!
So after it was all said and done, it has been the best thing ever. I no longer need to wear glasses or contacts. So here is a trip down memory lane. Go ahead and have a laugh at my expense!

relaxed and gave me a stuffed animal to squeeze if I needed to. They do your right eye first and then your left and I'll tell you why.
Your left eye is bigger than your right. The thing they used to keep my eyes from closing HURT SO bad when they put it on my left eye. I of course started freaking out. They told me to squeeze the animal. Yeah, that didn't help. It hurt the entire time it was on. The pain I felt that night doesn't compare to anything I have felt before...EVER. Not even childbirth. I had 3 babies, two of them without drugs and one of them being a whoppin' 9 lbs. 12 oz. If I had to choose between eye surgery and childbirth, I choose childbirth!
The white parts of my eyes bruised, turning red and yellow. I was creepy looking!
As they were doing the procedure my husband and kids were there looking through the observation glass and said that they saw my eyeball smoking from the laser. EW!
So after it was all said and done, it has been the best thing ever. I no longer need to wear glasses or contacts. So here is a trip down memory lane. Go ahead and have a laugh at my expense!
And to my 6 year old, Ashton who looked at these pictures
and said I looked like a nerd...thanks, appreciate it.
and said I looked like a nerd...thanks, appreciate it.
Both Gabe and I had this surgery several years ago. We both ended up with excellent 20/20 vision but our experiences were VASTLY different. Mine was perfect without an ounce of pain and completely problem free. I still have the same vision and everything is great. Gabe on the other hand had the worst pain ever for 4 -5 hours after surgery! Then it got better, but over the years his vision has slipped and he now thinks he should get glasses for night time and cannot see as far as he could before during the day. Terra had it also, and she now needs glasses too. Wierd huh? I guess we are the lucky ones :)
Yes you guys are the lucky ones. I didn't have any pain or complications unless you consider losing my 20/20 after 21/2 years later. It sucks, but I will probably do it later. Oh how I miss your glasses Great Pics! And tell your son at least I was a cute nerd:)
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