Remember when people were so into the Harry Potter books and then came the movies? Well, I never got into it. My kids didn't either. We own some of the movies, but we haven't watched them in years.
And then came "Twilight." There was a lot of talk and hype about these books too and now a movie. I think more so here because it was filmed in Oregon and the book takes place in Forks, Washington. I am a reader. I like to read. But I never had the desire to read "Twilight."
My son went the a birthday party a few weeks ago and saw the movie. He said it was good and that was that. My same son was in his room with the door closed for a long time yesterday. I knocked on his door, I heard some scuffling and he came to open the door. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was reading a book. I asked what book and he showed me "Twilight". He got it from his school library. I looked at it for a second and said when he's done that I would like to read it.

I started reading it at around 9pm last night and put it down around 1am. My husband and I were going to go see the movie this weekend. But now, I need to finish the book. And now I'm just waiting for my son to get home so that I can get my hands on it again.
Some SMART friends of ours opened a store up in Forks, Washington to sale "Twilight" apparel. People are flocking to that town! They can't keep their shelves stocked. People are buying stuff like CRAZY! Smart, smart people. Go to their website at
They are really great people and if anyone deserves to have success in this it is them.
My son just got home! Gotta Go!
* Same day - 10:00pm*
I just finished reading Twilight and I have to say that I'm disappointed. I'm guessing the book was written for tweens because it was a very basic easy read and I've read WAY better books than that one. In this case...I'm hoping the movie is better than the book.
And then came "Twilight." There was a lot of talk and hype about these books too and now a movie. I think more so here because it was filmed in Oregon and the book takes place in Forks, Washington. I am a reader. I like to read. But I never had the desire to read "Twilight."
My son went the a birthday party a few weeks ago and saw the movie. He said it was good and that was that. My same son was in his room with the door closed for a long time yesterday. I knocked on his door, I heard some scuffling and he came to open the door. I asked him what he was doing and he said he was reading a book. I asked what book and he showed me "Twilight". He got it from his school library. I looked at it for a second and said when he's done that I would like to read it.
I started reading it at around 9pm last night and put it down around 1am. My husband and I were going to go see the movie this weekend. But now, I need to finish the book. And now I'm just waiting for my son to get home so that I can get my hands on it again.
Some SMART friends of ours opened a store up in Forks, Washington to sale "Twilight" apparel. People are flocking to that town! They can't keep their shelves stocked. People are buying stuff like CRAZY! Smart, smart people. Go to their website at
They are really great people and if anyone deserves to have success in this it is them.
My son just got home! Gotta Go!
* Same day - 10:00pm*
I just finished reading Twilight and I have to say that I'm disappointed. I'm guessing the book was written for tweens because it was a very basic easy read and I've read WAY better books than that one. In this case...I'm hoping the movie is better than the book.
I haven't read the book yet, but I thing I will very soon. The story seems very nice.
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