My cute, cute, sweet little Ashy, had to go in Friday and get some dental work done. He had a few cavities and the dentist decided to put caps on his teeth as well, for preventative measure. Anson and I weren't allowed in the room while the Dentist was working. They of course had to give him anesthesia. After about 20 minutes the dentist came in to talk to Anson and I and told us that it went well, that he's in recovery and will be in shortly. Ten minutes later they wheel my sweet baby into the room and my heart just sank. (Pictures are of before he saw the dentist..hence the smile) He was able to keep the little socks on his feet. They are the socks with traction on the bottom so that you don't slip. Ashton said it felt like a rice cakes! :)
He was lying on the bed, his eyes groggy, his face red and swollen, an I.V in his hand and he just looked miserable. Anson gave him a hug and then he reached for me. The nurses said that he would wake up VERY grumpy due to the medicine. I wasn't prepared for just how grumpy. He started crying and touching his mouth telling me it hurt and he didn't like it and just wanted to "leave this place." The nurses said he needed to eat a popsicle or drink some juice before we left. He tried the popsicle first but couldn't close his numb mouth around it and began to cry. I held the juice up to his mouth and he only got in half as much as what left the cup. The rest went down his chin and onto the blankets on top of him. He was not happy at all, he was in pain, crying, not wanting to be there, trying to get dressed and just inconsolable.
FINALLY, we were able to leave and got into the car. I sat in the back seat with him to try and keep him calm. He cried and told me he hated his mouth this way and it was the worst day of his life. I was helpless. I couldn't take his pain away. I just had to reassure him that it would get better soon. He just wanted to get home. The closer we got to home the calmer he was. It probably helped that we said he was in charge of video games all day long and could do whatever he wanted. Anson and I felt SO guilty! We also gave him medicine and he began to calm down. He went to sleep just fine that night, but a couple of hours later he woke up in pain. We sat with him and hugged him, gave him medicine and water and he laid back down.
This morning we needed to brush his teeth and keep the area around the gums cleaned so he doesn't get an infection. His gums were still swollen, but he brushed and I brushed. My husband took the kids out in all this snow, ran some errands, grabbed some lunch and headed over to Portland to visit his mom. While he was out I got Ashton to take a nap and finished reading, "New Moon". (which was great by the way.) Anyway, Ashton is feeling better now, not fully himself yet, but getting there.
19 hours ago
Heyaheya. We broke up in October... Weren't getting along too well, I thought we both kind of needed a blank slate with someone more in common with each of us.
I've been crazy about a guy at school for the past year, who's always been so nice to me and caring, but he has a girlfriend already. o_< He feels something for me too, but they've known each other since sophomore year, and, though she goes to school in WA afaik, I wouldn't do anything to try to hurt his relationship. :/
Poor Ashton. I feel your pain. It was the same idea with Jaden and him MRI. Throwing up on the way home and just freaking out. He has so much dental work to do that I just have never taken him. I simply would not be able to get him calm enough for drugs. Argh, his 2 front teeth are kind of rotting too.
It's so hard when your kids have to go through that stuff and there's nothing you can do:( I feel your pain. I just caught up with your blog it was hillarious although the breakdancers seemed to have darker bodies and lighter faces you should really use better self tanner haha.:)
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